The Plausibility of the Religions Interpretation by the Literature - A proposal based in Paul Ricoeur and Mikhail Bakhtin exemplified with José Saramago. / A Plausibilidade da Interpretação da Religião pela Literatura Uma proposta fundamentada em Paul Ricoeur e Mikhail Bakhtin exemplificada com José Saramago




Religion and literature is the general theme of this Doctoral dissertation. However, the specific question is the plausibility of the interpretation of religion by literature. This is a concern because scholars in this area usually consider this plausibility to be evident. For this reason, generally few think of or concern themselves with the basis of it. The precise propose of this research is to develop a theoretical basis that will help to supply this lack. Therefore, this thesis has as its basic concern an epistemological question. To carry out this project, this thesis presents the hypothesis that indirect speech in literature characterized by the metaphor, especially the novel with polyphonic and carnivalesque possibilities, has the capacity of revealing specific traces of religious phenomenon in a different manner than do the direct speeches of philosophy and of the sciences, in such a way that it gives to literature the conditions of proceeding to a plausible interpretation and knowledge of religion. The development of the hypothesis is based on Paul Ricoeurs theory of metaphor, text and narrative and on Mikhail Bakhtins concepts of dialogism, poliphony, and on carnivalesque and prosaic literature. With the purpose of exemplifying in practice the pertinence of the developed theoretical material, the novel The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, by José Saramago is interpreted. In methodological terms, this work will be developed in three steeps: first, literature and the knowledge of the reality; second, literature as interpreter of the religion and third, an example of the interpretation of the novel.(AU)


literatura religião literature, religion, paul ricoeur, mikhail bakhtin, josé saramago josé saramago ciencias humanas mikhail bakhtin paul ricoeur

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