The quest of Empire of D. Afonso V, King of Portugal (1448-1481) / O Imperio do Quinto Afonso de Portugal (1448-1481) = : La quete d Empire d Alphonse V, Roi du Portugal (1448-1481)




This study analyses de imperial aspects of the politics of D. Afonso V, king of Portugal (1448-1481). The first part of the work is composed by the study of the dilatation of the juridical notion of imperium, concerning the atlantics and africans Portuguese possessions The second part studies how the historian of the king, Zurara, presented Portugal as an heir of the Roman and Visigoth empires and how the notion of elected kingdom, that carries a strong sense of universal monarchy, made part of the fundamental political ideals that sustained the expansion in Africa and at the Atlantic islands. At the last part, we present the imperial intents of the king through the study of his external politic with the Holy Empire and the Crown of Castile. The marriage of the sister’s king, Leonor, with the emperor Frederick III, Habsburg, is the first aspect analysed. The silence about this union gave us means to understand why the ideal of Empire of the Portuguese king was very different of the roman germanic reference. Finally, we study the war between Portugal and Castile, against Isabel, the future Catholic queen, during the period 1475 and 1479. The king of Portugal tried to assume the government of the Crown, by marrying Jane, princess and heir of the Castile. Also, the plains signed between Louis XI, king of France and Afonso V, in 1475, shows that the portuguese king and French king intended to prepare a war agains Crown of Aragon and share their territories. The politic of Afonso inside Iberia explicated his aim of “re-unify” the peninsula under his control.


zurara castilla y leon (spain) portugal portugal peninsula (espanha e portugal) aragon (spain) portugal iberica portugal portugal iberica peninsula (spain and portugal) gomes eanes de portugal zurara gomes eanes de

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