The Relation of Carbon Dioxide Compensation and Chlorenchymatous Vascular Bundle Sheaths in Leaves of Dicots


Low CO2 compensation points have been found to be associated with several unusual characteristics related to photosynthesis. One such characteristic is a prominent, chlorenchymatous vascular bundle sheath in the leaves. It has been suggested that the presence of this sheath in dicotyledons can serve as a means of detecting low CO2-compensating species. We collected 88 dicotyledon species from 22 families reported to have chlorenchymatous sheaths. Of the 88, only three, Tribulus terrestris, L., Boerhaavia paniculata, L. C. Rich, and Trianthema portulacastrum L., had low CO2 compensation points. Cross sections of the leaves of the other species revealed that they did have chlorenchymatous vascular bundle sheaths. However, these sheath cells contained chloroplasts which were not specialized for starch formation as were the bundle sheath chloroplasts of the low CO2-compensating species.

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