The responsiveness of embryonic stem cells to alpha and beta interferons provides the basis of an inducible expression system for analysis of developmental control genes.


Embryonic stem (ES) cells, derived from the inner cell mass of the preimplantation mouse embryo, are used increasingly as an experimental tool for the investigation of early mammalian development. The differentiation of these cells in vitro can be used as an assay for factors that regulate early developmental decisions in the embryo, while the effects of altered gene expression during early embryogenesis can be analyzed in chimeric mice generated from modified ES cells. The experimental versatility of ES cells would be significantly increased by the development of systems which allow precise control of heterologous gene expression. In this paper, we report that ES cells are responsive to alpha and beta interferons (IFNs). This property has been exploited for the development of inducible ES cell expression vectors, using the promoter of the human IFN-inducible gene, 6-16. The properties of these vectors have been analyzed in both transiently and stably transfected ES cells. Expression was minimal or absent in unstimulated ES cells, could be stimulated up to 100-fold by treatment of the cells with IFN, and increased in linear fashion with increasing levels of IFN. High levels of induced expression were maintained for extended periods of time in the continuous presence of the inducing signal or following a 12-h pulse with IFN. Treatment of ES cells with IFN did not affect their growth or differentiation in vitro or compromise their developmental potential. This combination of features makes the 6-16-based expression vectors suitable for the functional analysis of developmental control control genes in ES cells.

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