The Songs of Sabbath Sacrifice: Merkavah and Angelic Liturgy in 4Q405 / OS CÂNTICOS DO SACRIFÍCIO SABÁTICO: MERKAVAH E LITURGIA ANGELICAL EM 4Q405




The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice are a composition of thirteen songs, also called of Angelic Liturgy, discovered at Qumran. In this collection, the angelic priests are instructed for the cult in the heavenly temple. They have as matrix texts the ecstatic experiences of Ezekiel 1, as well as Isaiah 6. Compounded of many of Merkavah elements, the songs describe the heavenly scope, the throne of God and the praise the angels offer Him. Among the thirteen songs, the twelfth presents the praise to the throne-chariot of God, describing it and worshiping it. As Revelation 4 and 5 represent an ecstatic experience narrative, with descriptions of the throne, the heavenly beings, and of the liturgy executed on it, as in the Songs, the comparison is the way to test that these two different texts have many descriptive elements in common and that they are different re-readings of the same texts. Besides the same linguistic structure, they function as an expression of religiosity, through which one could have the same ecstatic experiences described in these texts.(AU)


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