The suicide of slaves in Campinas and the province of São Paulo (1870-1888) / O sucidio de escravos em Campinas e na provincia de São Paulo (1870-1888)




The suicide of slaves in the Brazilian historiography is not a point studied with details. The suicide in general is cited with commentaries about the formation of quilombos, escapes, homicides and other violent actions that would express the protest of slaves. The research had as sources the periodical Gazeta de Campinas (1871-1887) and the Provincial Reports of São Paulo (1838-188). In both the sources had been selected the specific points of view on the suicidal acts between slaves and free people. For both the sources, we argue the possible meanings of the data, such as frequency, place of occurrence, distribution according to condition and sex, ways used and motivations attributed for the suicidal acts. The analysis contributes to undo simple explanations, as the recurrent in the Provincial Reports, that it affirmed to be the suicides of slaves obviously decurrent ?of the disgusts proceeding from the captivity?


saude publica public health escravidão escravidão suicidio - historia suicide slavery suicide suicidio escravidão - campinas (sp)

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