The thymus and central tolerance.


T-cell differentiation in the thymus generates a peripheral repertoire of mature T cells that mounts strong responses to foreign antigens but is largely unresponsive to self-antigens. This state of specific immunological tolerance to self-components involves both central and peripheral mechanisms. Here we review the process whereby many T cells with potential reactivity for self-antigens are eliminated in the thymus during early T-cell differentiation. This process of central tolerance (negative selection) reflects apoptosis and is a consequence of immature T cells receiving strong intracellular signalling through T-cell receptor (TCR) recognition of peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Central tolerance occurs mainly in the medullary region of the thymus and depends upon contact with peptide-MHC complexes expressed on bone-marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells (APCs); whether tolerance also occurs in the cortex is still controversial. Tolerance induction requires a combination of TCR ligation and co-stimulatory signals. Co-stimulation reflects interaction between complementary molecules on T cells and APCs and probably involves multiple molecules acting in consort, which may account for why deletion of individual molecules with known or potential co-stimulatory function has little or no effect on central tolerance. The range of self-antigens that induce central tolerance is considerable and, via low-level expression in the thymus, may also include tissue-specific antigens; central tolerance to these latter antigens, however, is likely to be limited to high-affinity T cells, leaving low-affinity cells to escape. Tolerance to alloantigens and the possibility of using central tolerance to promote acceptance of allografts are discussed.

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