The urban stagnation as part of 21ft century São Paulo metropolitan area - the case of Pari / A estagnação urbana como parte da metrópole paulistana do século XXI - o caso do Pari




This thesis seeks the understanding the process of urban stagnation that took place in the District of Pari, São Paulo, Brazil. Urban stagnation is understood as a process which occurs in certain areas of a metropolis as a means of establishing barriers for the expansion of real estate capital. For the purpose of understanding how this process has occurred in that district it is analyzed its demographic, geographic, urban-spatial, economic, social and governmental history. Similarities and differences between different central districts of São Paulo are studied in order to understand the process Pari has undergone. It was shown that the district concentrates several activities, land uses, structures and population which, in fact, may be considered stagnant, but more important than that is the fact that society as a whole looks upon such activities, population, structures and land uses, with scorn and that stagnation is an ideological way of conveying that contempt, since they are associated with lower social classes.


ideology uso do solo cotidiano land use pari (sp) propriedade imobiliária daily life neighborhood Área central immovable property urban stagnation metropolis ideologia mercado imobiliário central area estagnação urbana metrópole urban policy real estate market política urbana

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