Threonine-11, Phosphorylated by Rad3 and ATM In Vitro, Is Required for Activation of Fission Yeast Checkpoint Kinase Cds1


American Society for Microbiology


Fission yeast Cds1 is phosphorylated and activated when DNA replication is interrupted by nucleotide starvation or DNA damage. Cds1 enforces the S-M checkpoint that couples mitosis (M) to the completion of DNA synthesis (S). Cds1 also controls replicational stress tolerance mechanisms. Cds1 is regulated by a group of proteins that includes Rad3, a kinase related to human checkpoint kinase ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated). ATM phosphorylates serine or threonine followed by glutamine (SQ or TQ). Here we show that in vitro, Rad3 and ATM phosphorylate the N-terminal domain of Cds1 at the motif T11Q12. Substitution of threonine-11 with alanine (T11A) abolished Cds1 activation that occurs when DNA replication is inhibited by hydroxyurea (HU) treatment. The cds1-T11A mutant was profoundly sensitive to HU, although not quite as sensitive as a cds1− null mutant. Cds1T11A was unable to enforce the S-M checkpoint. These results strongly suggest that Rad3-dependent phosphorylation of Cds1 at threonine-11 is required for Cds1 activation and function.

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