TIC S na graduação em Roraima : uma pratica educacional no Curso de Fisioterapia das Faculdades Cathedral




The new possibilities brought up by the technologies of information and communication (TIC s) are producing as a consequence a re-dimension of communication models in superior education, demanding a new pedagogical practice that prioritizes learning processes, interdisciplinarity, class-room interactivity, ethics and the new cultural languages. We have evidenced that the students technological knowledge is a signaling factor of the existence of a new culture in net. Having in mind this orientation we have made this survey, of a qualitative kind, which consists of an investigation about a methodological practice using teaching learning interactive strategies with computer technologies like internet, e-mail, application programs and a learning virtual environment in an interdisciplinary approach. Its objective was to understand in what measure knowledge and the access to the mentioned technologies favor the development of new competencies in graduate students in physiotherapy of Faculdades Cathedral


interatividade fisioterapia higher education interativity ensino superior tecnologia de informação physiotherapy technologies of information

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