Todas as coisas me são lícitas, mas nem todas me convêm: representações sobre sexualidade entre solteiros evangélicos / "I can do anything I want to if Christ has not said no, but some of these things arent good for me" : representations about sexuality among single christian evangelical people




Studying a virtual relationship site community (Orkut) formed by single Evangelical young people with the purpose of offering a space for meeting and exchanging opinions about Christian Evangelical sexuality and marriage was the departure point for an analysis of Rio de Janeiro Evangelical churches young adults representations and values on sexuality and prenuptial sexual relationship. This research aimed to discuss not only these young people discourses on their sexual behaviors, but also their opinion about religious leaderships prohibitions to certain sexual practices specially the pre-nuptial ones. This study revealed that Evangelical young people disagree and are autonomous in relation to their religious institution authorities. Despite their autonomy in relation to hegemonic Evangelical values and their ability to attribute new meanings to Evangelic religious speech, Evangelical single young people continue very connected to Evangelical sexual values and also to Evangelical institutions. This connection may be explained by the these traditional ethical-moral principles promise of an affective and familiar safety in a society perceived as full of risks and out of control, both in social and moral terms.


protestantismo ciencias sociais aplicadas sexualidade sexuality protestantism religião modernidade modernity instituição institution

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