Trabalho infantil e as experiencias de erradicação




The objective of the present study is to develop a together research the children, adolescent and respective families, aiming at to bring up to date given and to redefine the profile of the crianças/adolescentes that still work in the streets of Campinas. The preliminary hypothesis that guided the present research consists of the following affirmation: "Thanks to the performance of the PETI and other programs, the number of children, gradual, it is diminishing and modifying the profile of the children who still continue working in the streets and respective families. The expectation is of that one day, in a next future, the short or average stated period, the research will disclose the inexistence of children working in the streets of Campinas. The justification for the accomplishment of this apóia study in the sad reality of the infanto-youthful work that the society in general fight to eradicate without much success. The limitation of the subject to the results of the actions of the PETI in the city of Campinas is established in the importance of if to get a brought up to date picture of this work more enters the infanto-youthful population in one of the developed cities of the parents, in the aspects partner-cultural and economic. The methodology is oriented for the qualitative boarding, through the documentary technique of analysis. The procedure had beginning with the authorization for the research and this continues with the analysis of the reports of the Project Convivência and Cidadania and the Project of Eradication of Trabalho Infantil (PETI) supplied by the Secretariat of Social Assistance of the Municipal City hall of Campinas. The present dissertação makes a historical rescue on the infantile work, presenting a boarding of the partner-economic transformations until the current days, the sprouting of international organizations with the objective to defend the rights of the children, legislation of protection to these rights and implementation of programs of combat and eradication of the infantile work. Also it presents a profile of the city of Campinas and describes the characteristics of the federal PETI, looking for to detach the changes that suffered in its implementation in the city of Campinas, beyond the data boardings and accompaniment the Project Convivência and Cidadania and the PETI. The metodológicos procedures are based on the reports of the PETI supplied for the Municipal City hall of Campinas and contribution of the executors of the together actions to the infanto-youthful population attended and respective families, on the actions and results of the Program during the year of 2004. To follow, an analysis of the data gotten through the documentary research is presented, with prominence for a study on the children who work in the streets of Campinas and respective families and as they are taken care of by the PETI. We conclude that the profile of the crianças/adolescentes that have been found for the streets and respective families continues presenting the same characteristics, because, in its majority, they are deriving of the same regions of where they had come the previous ones. The ones that already had been or are being taken care of for the PETI, already are not found by the streets, therefore already they are being guided and receiving aid. The ones that they are today for the streets vendendo bullets already belong the new contingents of migrantes, the wait of action of the social programs. One concludes, then, that it will be necessary to expand the actions of the PETI, aiming at to make with that the number of benefited surpasses the increasing number of crianças/adolescentes and respective families who still wait to have access to the social benefits


social aspects menores - emprego população jovem - aspectos sociais young population menores - trabalho minors-job program of eradication of the infantile work

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