Trajetórias e rotina de prisioneiras por tráfico de drogas : autoras e caodjuvantes




This text shows part of the history of life of thirteen women jailed in the only Feminine Penitentiary of Santa Catarina, in Florianópolis, defendant and/or condemned by traffic of illegal drugs. In Brazil and in the world the drug traffic by itself awakes attention, but few are the works to focus crime on the point of view of gender relations. This is what we consider: to also understand at what measure the participation of women in the traffic of illicit drugs it is imposed by the paper they play in our culture (use the term cultura as symbolic system, as the point of view of Laraia (1986, p. 62-63) and as their participation crosses with the affective relations with its friendships, with its mothers, parents, sisters, brothers and children. Having as starting point given quantitative and qualitative dates, the central hypothesis was: what if the ingression of woman in the induced traffic of drugs for their (s) accompanying (s)? Considering that authorities and researchers, as Alba Zaluar (1994), pointed that women were not the main protagonists in the traffic of drugs, we decided to see if this was confirmed in the reality, on the point of view of the prisoners. Thus, with this first hypothesis, which is based on the theories of gender and the revision of literature to approach the following aspects: crime, jail life and prisional system. However we make use of quantitative data, the methodology of the work is qualitative. The interviewed ones had been selected from contacts made in the institution and the script was elaborated in order to apprehend two moments of their trajectories of life: of insertion and of the participation in the traffic of drugs. In both cases we dialogue with some authors. The results are surprising, from the practical point of view as much as theoretical. First we disclosed the penitentiary, giving color to the social relations of the conviviality and the system through the routine of the prisoners in the institution, detaching some aspects (ritual of entrance, distribution and use of the space, visits, monitoring and punishment, etc.). Later we lightened the affective relationships of the women interviewed to, at last, realize that although the androcentric standard intends for men everything that is superior, including to say that the responsible for the ingression of them in crime would be the men, some times this was not confirmed, as our data show.


trafico de drogas - florianópolis mulheres - - conduta prisioneiras - florianópolis sociologia sociologia

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