Transparencia de modelos em sistemas de bancos de dados heterogeneos




Heterogeneous Database Systems (HDBSs) integrate, in a cooperative environment, autonomous and heterogeneous database systems (DBSs). Model transparency in HDBSs is an important property that allows the users to deal with global data using a single model and database language. This work proposes and discusses solutions to support such property in HDBSs built through the integration of network DBSs and relational DBSs. The solutions presented include methodologies for schema conversion and, architectures and algorithms for command transformation. The approach used in this work differs from others published in two main points. First, it assumes that each user will manipulate global data using the data model and database language he was supposed to use before the HDBS exist, second, it proposes mechanisms to support access to HDBS s data through application programs instead of ad-hoc transactions


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