Tratamento de esgoto sanitário em um reator de leito expandido em escala plena, operado com regiões anaeróbia e aeróbia sobrepostas / Treatment of sanitary wastewater in a full scale expanded bed reactor, operated with overlap anaerobic and aerobic regions




This present research had as main objective the evaluation of the performance of a full scale expanded bed reactor (159.0 M POT.3), operated under anaerobic and overlapping anaerobic-aerobic, treating sanitary wastewater. As specific objectives, it was evaluated using commercial sand to complement the bed of particles and distribution of material support along the height of reactor. Besides, it was simulated the flotation of the effluent system in order to optimize the efficient removal of solids, due to inefficiency of the system in the separation of biological solids. Among the materials selected to compose the bed of particles was chosen with the average size of sand grains equal to 0.69 mm and density of 2690 kg.M POT.-3. This research was divided into two experimental stages, the first being that the system was operated only under the anaerobic condition, while the second, the system was submited to anaerobic and aerobic conditions overlaped. For the first step, the system achieved greater efficiency in removing organic matter, with hydraulic detention time of 14 hours, when it was removed from 0.84 kgCODraw/M, which was applied 1.26 kgCOD/M The mean removal efficiencies of DQOraw, DQOfiltered, BODraw, BODfiltered, TSS and VSS were 65%; 64%; 80%; 70%; 58% and 69%. The effluent had an average of 245 mgCODraw/L; 117 mgCODfiltered/L; 104 mgBODraw/L; 76 mgBODfiltered/L; 88 mgTSS/L and 69 mgVSS/L. The ammonification obtained was 90%, demonstrating the potencial of the system in the conversion of organic matter into ammonia nitrogen. For the second stage, the most efficient in the removal of organic matter was obtained with hydraulic detention time of 16 hours when it was removed from 0.29 kgCODraw/M, which was applied 0.84 kgCODraw/M The mean removal efficiencies of CODfiltered and BODfiltered were 80% and 95%, respectively. The effluent had an average of 72 mgCODfiltered/L, and 13 mgBODfiltered/L. The ammonification obtained was 85%, however there was low efficiency in oxidation of ammonia-N, at most 25%, and the maximum concentrations in the effluent were 4 mgN-NO IND.2POT.-/L and 2 mgN-NO IND.3POT.-/L, respectively. Regarding the distribution of material support, it was found that the proportion of activated granular carbon and anthracite carbon was higher on sand, in different points of collection, whereas this proportion tended to drop over the sample, moreover, was found that the characteristics of the flow are not adequate to provide fluidization/expansion of the bed of particles. The best results obtained in the simulation of the flotation of the effluent when it was applied with recirculation of air concentration of 17.5 mgair/Lsample, and ascension velocity of 10 cm/min. Removal efficiencies of TSS; FSS; VSS; COD, color and turbidity were obtained from 64; 82; 62; 62; 53 and 73%, respectively. The effluent had 63 mgTSS/L; 5 mgFSS/L; 59 mgVSS/L; 127 mgCODraw/L; 431 uC and 29 uT.


flotação tratamento anaeróbio e aeróbio nitrification expanded bed reactor flotation nitrificação material suporte support material anaerobic and aerobic treatment reator de leito expandido sand areia

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