Tratamentos fungicidas antecipados à semeadura e sua influência na qualidade de sementes de trigo




The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of quimical treatments with fungicides, applied in different moments, before sowing time, in the germination and sanity of wheat seeds. Two experiments were carried out, using BRS 220 and CD 111 cultivars, produced and stored in Mauá da Serra, PR. The treatments used in the test, where: Carboxin + Tiran – 100g/100kg of seed; Triadimenol -40g/100kg of seed; Triticonazol – 45 g/100kg of seed and absolute testimony (without treatment). Seeds were treated in four moments of the year, at zero,15, 30 and 60 days, beginning on 15th February of 2006, being analyzed before the beginning of the treatment, and after 15, 30, 60, 120 and 180 days of storage. In another experiment, the same seeds, treated before sowing time and then stored, were sowed in the field, to evaluate the emergence velocity index and the emergence velocity, as well the plant sanity during the cycle and after the harvest. The experiment design was completely randomized, with two repetitions by each treatment. The comparison of averages was done with the Q-square and Tukey tests, at 5% of probability. The positive influence of anticipated quimical treatments over seed germination of both cultivars, in the time moments studied, was not verified. The fungicides in the seeds without treatment presented their percentage values reduced, when evaluated after 15 days. The field emergence didn’t present effects of EAp – Product Application Period, Treatment and interaction EAp x Treatment, on the Emergence Velocity Index (EVI), Emergence Velocity (EV) and percentage of Germination in the seeds treated and stored for 60 days in Mauá da Serra. The environment factors effects were observed in the Emergence test results in field, with high temperature and low rain precipitation intervals in the experiment period. Fungus were detected in the seeds after the experiment harvest, independently of the fungicide treatment received by the seeds before sowing time. When recommended, the quimic treatment of wheat seeds with fungicides must be done as close as possible of the sowing time. The adoption of this practice must be done carefully, once the seeds not treated and commercialized can cause damages, once they are not suitable to be consumed.


trigo - sementes sementes - efeitos dos fungicidas sementes - qualidade wheat seeds seeds effect of fungicides

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