Tres enfoques sobre inteligencia: un estudio con trabajadores manuales


Estud. psicol. (Campinas)




We present a study of intelligence with the aim of knowing if years of experience influence the way of intelligence among a particular group of manual workers: experts and novices. The proposal is framed within three consolidated theories in the field; we refer to the general theory of intelligence, the multiple intelligences theory and the triarchic theory of intelligence. The research is carried out using 149 manual workers, who are given the RAVEN, the Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scale and the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test tests. The results show significant differences in the intelligence present in the group when studied on the basis of years of experience: experts and novices. We conclude that this variable is related to work context which delimits the forms of intelligence that are developed while acquiring experience in the practical area of the profession.

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