Trilha sonora : a musica como elemento de sintaxe do discurso narrativo no cinema




The present work looks for to investigate the functional role of music in the audiovisual paradigm. Divided in three parts, the exposition is initiated with the definition of the capacities that music has in articulating itself with other elements of audio visual language and constructing, thus, substantial meanings. This capacity validates a more complex role for the participation of music in the movies than the mere illustration. The work examines, in inventory form, the main theories found in the literature written on the subject, for after that verifying that the same ones do not deplete the subject. Through an approach in direction to the theory of narrative - in special the theories of structuralism - the exposition looks for to examine aspects of the structural and fonnallogic of narrative, that can be forged, in an audiovisual discourse, through constructions that contemplate music as an element of substantial syntax. In the second chapter a quarrel regarding Milos Fonnan s "Amadeus" movie and its musical track is initiated through a macro structural point of view. The center of this debate is the fact that this film uses in its sound track compiled music of a preexisting repertoire. The exposition is served, in this point, mainly of analyses of the fonnation of musical poetics in the cinema, showing that the practice with the complied music is not only a recurrent procedure in its early years, as, also responsible, for the consolidation of practical functions - inherited of the opera tradition and the "theaters of varieties", "Music-Halls" and "Vaudevilles" - that are used trough all history to the present. The last chapter is dedicated to the detailed analysis, scene to scene, of the functional use of Mozart s and Salieri s music in the film. Through this analysis it is looked beyond the illustration of the quarrels covered in this work, the constation of the affirmations made about film music in the previous chapters


musica narrativa (retorica) musica de cinema analise do discurso narrativo cinema

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