Trilhando caminhos e perseguindo sonhos:histórias e memórias de caminhoneiros




The aim of this work is to analyze the trajectory of a group of truck drivers, with the sense to understand the way they interpret their own experiences of labour and life. By means of these fellows narratives was possible to have knowledge of how they lived the social transformations occurred from the 70s forth and how they perceived their effects through of changes into the profession. In the labours conditions, the drivers revealed the conflicts and the limitations they daily face, transforming every single day of labour in a battle to be won in the fight to persist in their profession. They narrate the loss: the status, that involved the glamour to draw several men to adventure themselves by the roads to meeting the unknown; and the values, that were altered with the insertion of new elements on the freight transportations competitiveness. The transportation companies pass to lay down the rules, taking over the jobs command, instituting changes in the relationships among the roadmates and, mainly, relegating to the truck driver the state of subordinate and exploited. Thats also needful to understand the drivers relations in other companionships places, out of work. The valorization of family emerged from the speeches as a feeling of resistance, although the long periods of absence and the short time to live together their families. This absence of time is also the limitation to the other practices acting, like leisure and relationships of neighborhood. To analyze these questions revealed different trajectories of fighting men, through their jobs as truck drivers, to hurdle obstacles in their professions performances, in favour of better conditions of life.


caminhoneiros histórias motoristas de caminhão memories memórias experiências história social job experiences trabalho historia truck drivers histories

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