Ty4, a novel low-copy number element in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: one copy is located in a cluster of Ty elements and tRNA genes.


We have identified a composite element, Ty4, in S. cerevisiae that is ca 6.3 kb in length and contains two tau sequences as long terminal repeats. According to hybridization analyses, Ty4 occurs in low but varying copy number (one to four copies) in different yeast strains. By several criteria, Ty4 is a novel type of retroelement which is similar but not related to the other Ty elements in yeast. Two cosmid clones from strain C836 (c90 and c476) carrying individual copies of Ty4 were isolated. By restriction analysis and nucleotide sequence we show that c476 derives from the 'transposition right arm hot spot' of chromosome III [1]. The analysis of c476 revealed that an initiator tRNA(Met) gene is present at this locus and that an unusual concentration of different Ty elements has occurred: in addition to the Ty4, a Ty1 and a Ty2 element were detected in this region, confirming its highly polymorphic character.

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