Ubirajara, heroi epico




Considering the Alencar s national literature program, this text aims to examine the hero composition trom the novel Ubirajara, which has the earliest setting, before the colonizers arrived on American soil. I had observed that the author suggests a mithy narra tive, witness of glorious period of our country, with a Genesis language, the creation book. To reforce the Indian caracter, the author recurs to footnotes, where he directs the reading of the story. Then, there are two voices in the novel: the first belongs to the "contemplative narrator", which conducts the action; and the second, the "historic narrator", presents in the footnotes and conducts a running arguments with earlier historians and chronicles of Indians customs. His voyages back in time represent successive stages in his dramatization of this tropical civilization for which he had set out a construct a language and to formulate an ideology. It sees itself as respectful of the new land s ancient population, heir to its regenera tive innocence and generous


critica literatura brasileira personagens literarios

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