Ultrasound-guided intra-uterine injection technique for embryo transfer in mares / Técnica ultra-sonográfica de injeção intra-uterina para transferência de embriões em eqüinos




Embryo transfer (ET) in mares has been performed by transcervical or surgical methods. Pregnancy rates resulting from the transcervical method are more variable; however this is the more routine ET technique used nowadays. The surgical method has resulted in higher and less variable pregnancy rates. Although, this technique is much more invasive than the transcervical method and it demands a surgical environment and specialized personnel. In 1998, GASTAL et al. developed a transvaginal ultrasound-guided intra-uterine injection (IUI) technique and suggested it as a possible method for ET in mares. This technique would likely avoid cervical manipulation, one of the disadvantages of the transcervical ET technique. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the IUI technique as an alternative method to the transcervical technique for ET in mares. In addition, dynamics of the uterus, corpus luteum, and embryonic vesicle were also studied. A real-time ultrasound scanner, equipped with a 5.0 MHz sector-array convex transducer, placed in a plastic extension for transvaginal procedures, a plastic epidural catheter (1.05 x 0.6 x 1000 mm), and a 16-ga needle (56 cm) were used. Immediately prior to ET, mares were sedated using detomidine (1 mg, i.v.). The right uterine horn was positioned transrectally against the vaginal wall over the transducer face. The needle with the catheter was introduced through the needle-guide of the transducer extension and inserted into the uterine lumen. The position of the catheter was verified by ultrasound and the embryo was placed into the uterus. Pregnancy diagnosis was done by ultrasound on Day 15. In Experiment 1, 33 IUI of 0.9% sterile saline (20 mL) were performed in 15 cyclic mares. The success of injection, indicated by the presence of fluid within the uterine lumen, was confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography. In Experiment 2, 77 embryos were transferred on Day 7 (Day 0 = ovulation) by IUI (n=39) or transcervical method (n=38). In Experiment 3, 31 embryos were transferred on Day 7 by IUI (n=16) or transcervical method (n=15). The control group consisted of inseminated mares (n=16) which were subjected to the same protocol of data collection as the ET groups. In Experiment 1, the operator successfully deposited saline into the uterus in 97% (32/33) of the IUI procedures. The overall embryo recovery rate in Experiments 2 and 3 was 71.8% (122/170). In Experiment 2, the pregnancy rates resulting from IUI (76.9%) and transcervical (78.9%) ET techniques were not different (P>0.05). In Experiment 3, the pregnancy rates obtained from IUI (75.0%, 12/16), transcervical (73.3%, 11/15), and control (68.7%, 11/16) groups were similar. On Day 7, mares treated by transcervical ET displayed increased (P<0.0001) uterine contractility from 5 to 60 min following the procedure compared to the other groups. No changes in uterine contractility were observed between control and IUI treated mares. No differences in uterine tone or echotexture were detected among groups. From Days 6 to 16 there were no differences in daily uterine contractility, tone, and echotexture between ET treated and control mares. In addition, similar luteal lifespan was observed among treatments. Patterns of transuterine embryonic vesicle mobility and the day of embryo fixation were not different among groups. Results of the present study suggest that the ultrasound-guided IUI ET technique may be a suitable alternative to the traditional transcervical method of ET in mares. In addition, the IUI ET technique may be a valuable tool for future studies involving ET in other species.


transferência de embriões reproducao animal injeção intra-uterina intra-uterine injection ultrasound ultra-sonografia embryo transfer

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