Ultrasound of the masticatory muscles and maximal molar bite force evaluation in individuals with osteoporosis in facial bones / Avaliação ultrassonográfica da musculatura mastigatória e da força de mordida molar máxima em indivíduos com osteoporose nos ossos da face




The stomatognathic system identifies a set of oral structures that develop common functions, characterized by constant mandible involvement. Like any system, has features of its own, but depends on the operation, or is closely linked to the function of other systems such as the nervous, circulatory and endocrine systems. Both the states of health and in illness, the stomatognathic system can influence the operation of other systems such as digestive, respiratory and metabolic and endocrine systems. There are many diseases that can affect the stomatognathic system, causing your imbalance or malfunction; among these we can mention osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most frequent metabolic bone disease and fracture and muscle loss are the clinical manifestations. This disease not only affects spine bones, the neck of femur and the distal portion of radio, it also affects the facial bones. Considering that bone loss in the facial skeleton can cause disturbances in the functional harmony of the masticatory system and thus increase the chances of temporomandibular disorders, this study aimed to analyze the muscle thickness and bite force in 36 individuals diagnosed with osteoporosis the maxilla and mandible and 36 patients without osteoporosis (controls). For the ultrasound analysis was used Sono Site Titan portable ultrasound and a linear transducer - L 38 - 5 to 10 MHz and 38 mm. Three ultrasound images were acquired of masseter and temporal muscles on both sides, at rest and maximal clenching. To measure maximum bite force a digital dynamometer model IDDK (Kratos) was used. Assessments were made in the regions of the first molar (right and left). It was observed that muscle thickness in individuals with osteoporosis in the mandible and maxilla were similar of the individuals without the disease, while the results for the maximum bite force were significantly lower for individuals with osteoporosis. We conclude that osteoporosis in the region of facial bones can lead to changes in the stomatognathic system.


osteoporose osteoporosis masticatory muscles músculos da mastigação força de mordida bite force ultrassonografia ultrasonography

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