Um auto cabralino em suas vertentes




According to the way João Cabral de Melo Neto explores the figure of Frei Caneca, I intend to present another possibility of analysis for bis work in an ample extent. As bis process of creation is based on a gradual approximation to the objects with wbich he works, such as an historical fact or a formal procedure, I believe to be able to demonstra te an strategy of appreciation that corresponds to the movement that the poet perfonns with bis topics and speech. Therefore, the corpusof the work analyzed covers the period from the publication of Museu de Tudo, first moment when Frei Caneca is mentioned (1974), until the edition of Auto do Fratk (1984) in which the image of the friar reaches its bighest level in the poet work


teatro (literatura) - tecnica - brasil poesia literatura brasileira

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