Um estudo da institucionalidade referente a preservação de matas ciliares : o caso do municipio de Camanducaia - MG / Study about the legal institutions regarding the prevention of ciliary forests: the case of the municipal district of Camanducaia-MG




The Environmental Politics of Brazil is implemented though laws, and the politics of preservation of the ciliary forests is not differente. But, so that the preventive and repressive instruments foreseen in the lws supply effects in the municipal districts, it is necessary a municipal and judiciary administrative structure so that the legal dictates are accomplished. This research makes an analysis of the main legal instruments of preservation and repression adopted by the Municipal Public Administration of the city of Camanducaia, for the Judiciary of the District and their auxiliary organs, in the cases of agressions practiced against the ciliary forests of the river Camanducaia. It was verified that the executions of such instruments was not executed


ciliary forest municipal public administration mata ciliar - preservação preservation poder judiciario administração municipal judiciary

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