Um estudo de construção da personagem a partir do movimento corporal




This research presents a study about the scenic construction of the character, based on body movement, and guided by the practical and theorical studies of Rudolf Von Laban choreology and Stanislavski tecnich. The foundation of this study was based on the idea of the man being an unit, as Gestalt BOBY-MIND-SPIRIT, which was present on Merleau-Ponty studies, in body consciousness and in the believe of the indivisibility of the human being. This project enquires the relation of each interpreter with his own body and how it interferes in the extension of his interpretation and in all the staging. The development of this research was based on these concepts, applied on two propositions: the pedagogic process of systematization of these ideas and the experimental on character construction, under the view of the performer


artes cenicas movimento (encenação) corpo e mente

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