Um estudo dos modelos de gestão utilizados nas pequenas empresas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The proposal of this work is to understand how the small companies treat the administration of their businesses. The methodology used consisted bibliographical research followed by an exploratory research. For such purpose small companies were studied because they are a important economical agent, inserted in an environment of constant transformation and change, characterized as system and sub-system that interact among themselves and with his environment. Also the subject of the entrepreneurs was approached, the assumed responsibilities according with their faiths, ideas, desires and the risk. The concept of small companies were viewed the bibliographical research were administration and the administration model. Starting from the concept of those elements we looked for the synthesize, through questionnaire, interviews, observations and analysis of data uplifted for exploratory research. The sample accomplished had characteristics of those companies. In a general way, the work is intended to study the characteristics of the administration models used by small companies, also to wake up new researchers interest for small companies.


ciencias contabeis pequenas e médias empresas - administração small business - administration

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