Um estudo sobre a variação numerica do coeficiente de poisson na madeira, considerando a anisotropia do material




The present work constitutes a study of a numerical variation of the Poisson s ratio, in the wood. The Poisson s ratio is associated to Sijk terms of the wood compliance tensor, considering the rectilinear anisotropic theory, where the relationship between stress-strain is expressed by eij = Sijkskl. The terms of the tensor Sijk can vary with arbitrary directions, that in the wood are associated with the direction of the fibers. In this way, for the determination of the Poisson s ratios, in any arbitrary direction, small specimens and axial compresion tests were used. The obtained results show the adequacy of wood to the orthotropic model, in the LR plane (longitudinal-radialaxes) and a tendency for the curvilinear anysotropyin the LT plane (longitudinal-tangential)


madeira elasticidade anisotropia

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