Um Estudo sobre o uso do Software Superlogo na Organização do Pensamento Matemático / A study about the use of the Superlogo software at the organization in the Maths Thought


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Computer can be a source of renewal of the pedagogical experiences and the technology can to change way to teach. The focal point this change are mental processes involved in the act to teach and doesnt a machine. We judge opportune to reflect about an importance to study how the Superlogo software programming can to contribute at the mathematics thought organization of pupils; therefore, this research has to objective to study use of Superlogo software programming on the education and its interference on the logical thought organization of the student. Our theoretical foundation was to look for elements inside research area of Mathematics Education, more specifically of Mathematics Didactical, because we understand this to be only way to study the mathematics apprenticeship process, understood how study process. This search for understanding how apprenticeship happens, demands a reflection constant about how to show and to approach the students content and this reflection was been based on the didactical situation Theories. These didactical situation, contemplate the phases of action, formulation, validation and institutionalization showed by Theory of didactical situation, facilitate a better definition of means know to student, doing with this student effectually participates of the elaboration of your knowledge. To understand how is a thought organization and how speak and written contribute for this process of thought organization and intellectual development, founded on us in Piaget and Vygotsky. This, because we believe to be, the Superlogo software, a relief tool for a work inside constructivist line, once upon that helps to conduce the student to participate of construction process of your knowledge, when happens interaction among with them. To reach our objective, to seize upon Didactical Engineering how methodology of research, that very has contributed in researches that look for alternatives to the teaching of mathematics and, in private, for use of computing technology, on the education.


educacao educação - efeito das inovações tecnológicas software educacional didática matemática - estudo e ensino

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