Um framework para controle distribuÃdo de ambientes e dispositivos




Traditionally, environment automation and control solutions are provided by a supplier, using a communication architecture that is often both proprietary and expensive. Furthermore, many of these solutions offer limited control alternatives. The possibility of managing environments through various technologies simultaneously will contribute to increase the comfort, safety and quality of life of users becoming a crucial point for a wider dissemination of home automation. Among the advantages of an automated environment there is the contribution to the digital inclusion process of individuals with special needs and/or elderly. This work consists of the proposal of a framework for distributed environments and devices control and involves the integration of technologies such as UPnP, Web Services, Voice commands and GPRS among others. With the goal of fulfilling these requirements, were developed modules and applications in Java and .NET to be executed in a server machine and also in embedded devices


web services gprs upnp java ciencia da computacao web services net net gprs java comandos de voz voice upnp

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