Um sistema computadorizado de apoio ao multidiagnostico da esquizofrenia




The main purpose of this work is to describe the development and assessment of a computerized muItidiagnostic system for schizophrenia, the LIST -S20. A research including three periodics -- Archives of General Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry and Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria -- during the period of 1980 until 1990, demonstraded the foIlowing statements: 1. There are several different classification systems for selection of patients involved in a research project in Mental HeaIth field, which contributes for heterogeneity in patients samples and conflicting resuIts. 2. the polidiagnostic approach was present in 27% of the articIes, when considered only the articles that have at least one diagnostic system. The computer program was developed for diagnosis of the 20 different systems for schizophrenia. The patient s assessment was made with the help of a computer using a software that works in Microsoft Windows. The result was an easy computerized muItidiagnostic system with resources like the selection of the diagnostic system for evaluation, jumps, automatic cut-off points, on-line help for the diagnostic systems, diagnostic criteria, tree decision, glossary and examples for the criteria. The diagnosis are provided at the final of the evaluation. The author concludes that ,the muItidiagnosis approach is an important deveIopment point for actual psychiatry. The LIST-S20 is an instrument that can be used for this purpose with advantages over the preceding multidiagnostic systems


esquizofrenia saude mental diagnostico por computador psiquiatria - diagnostico

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