Uma abordagem seniana do Programa Bolsa Família


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the last three decades, the proportion of people below the poverty line was reduced substantially in Brazil. Part of this reduction was due to income transfer programs in the country, as the Bolsa Família Program (PBF), established in 2004 and currently aiding more than 12 million poor and extremely poor families. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the design and the impacts of this program from an analysis based on the capabilities approach. Therefore, it¿s bring forward the fundamental concepts concerning the capabilities approach and the Amartya Sen¿s work as well as the main characteristics of the Bolsa Família, its antecedents and impacts caused in education, health, food, work, empowerment of women and poverty. These impacts and the design of PBF are examined from the instrumental obtained through the capabilities approach. Futhermore, some proposals are introduce in order to Bolsa Familia Program operate on the multiple dimensions that cause poverty.


capability approach distribuição da renda bolsa família program pobreza desenvolvimento econômico desenvolvimento humano brasil programa bolsa família. amartya sen política social

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