Uma análise dos programas da disciplina informática nos cursos de graduação em administração na cidade de São Paulo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this work is to do a comparison of the programs of the discipline informatics of the graduation courses in administration of the higher education institutions of the city of São Paulo, trying to identify the differences and likeness among the programs of the institutions, the likeness and differences separating institutions for the evaluation of the National Exam of Courses/2000 and between the higher education institutions and the Law of Guidelines and Bases n. 9.394, the Guidelines curricula of the graduation courses in administration of the Ministry of the Education and of the National Exam of Course, Basic Bibliography and Essential Bibliography for the graduation courses in Administration. Starting from the bibliographical research we told the history of the higher education and of graduation in administration in Brazil, where we told the main moments of the Brazilian superior education and of administration. We still told the period that embraces Law of Guidelines and Bases n. 9.394 and the indexes that show the evolution of the Brazilian superior education and of the administration higher education. Showing its tendencies and perspectives. We still commented the importance of the informatics discipline for the administration teaching. Of the forty eight institutions that participated of the National Exam of Courses/2000, eighteen institutions they agreed in giving copy of its program for this study. Of those, fifteen only possessed the informatics discipline. We proceeded the comparative analysis of the programs of the institutions in agreement with the following aspects: comparison of the denominations, period in that is happens, hourly and percentile load relative of the hours/class with the total of the course, comparison of the objectives, comparison of the contentes, comparison of the objectives with the presented content, strategies and teaching maids methodologies, approaches of the students evaluation, used basic bibliography and works among disciplines evidence. The results of this research indicate several similar and different aspects to each other and with relationship the current legislation and other documents. Finally we made suggestion of a form program to avoid contradictions in relation to effective legislation


informática - estudo e ensino (superior) administração de empresas - estudo e ensino (superior) business management - study and teaching (higher) informatics - study and teaching (higher) administracao de empresas

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