Uma anÃlise fonolÃgica segmental do inglÃs de aprendizes brasileiros e o ensino de pronÃncia numa perspectiva (sÃcio-)interacionista e internacional: Progressos, dificuldades e sugestÃes para o processo pedagÃgico




This work aims to make some theoretical contribution to improve English language teaching to Brazilian learners by way of a comparative segmental phonological analysis of the English spoken by these learners and a reconsideration of the process in a holistic, sociointeractionist and international perspective, which reconciles product and process. Traditionally, such analyses tend to be product-oriented and structuralist, not focussing upon the interaction. Even though we recognise the validity of such linguistic description in its own right, we shall also attempt to think critically about teaching English pronunciation. To become acquainted in a basic way with the phonological product of Brazilian students learning process, oral samples have be en collected from 6 (six) Letras undergraduate students at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco talking in small groups , and afterwards, individually reading a list of words containing all the English phonemes in diferent phonic contexts. In a later phase, the data collected were analysed by considering a theoretical contrast between the English and Portuguese phonological systems. The parameter used for Portuguese was the updated and detailful description by CristÃfaro Silva(2001) and for English, a phonological model proposed by Jenkins (2000) for using and teaching English internationally, but, whenever considered relevant, British and American standard varieties have been referred to. For a better phonology-teaching interface, given the learnerÂs central role in teaching and learning, a questionnaire was also administered to gather personal information and the students perception of L2 (English) pronunciation and its teaching in a more process-oriented way. As practical outcomes, the research aimed at identifying the pronunciation difficulties faced by the Brazilian speaker of Portuguese when learning English, so that by providing exercises / tasks focusing on these difficulties, we can design adequate ways to overcome them. Finally, we suggest that teaching should focus not only on the phonological product but also on the process of negotiation of intelligibility, a relevant field in need of further inquiry. As an additional contribution, phonology is seen in a broader, more updated perspective, thus avoiding the tradition of seeing it as a static element of the code not negotiated in interaction in the varied contexts of language use


perspectiva (sÃcio-)interacionista e internacional ensino - brasileiros linguistica anÃlise fonolÃgica - inglÃs

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