Uma aplicação empírica da abordagem dos atributos no processo de escolha de um shopping center por parte dos lojistas / An empirical approach of attributers theory in site store owners selection process by in shopping malls




Many researchers have studied economic and merchandising issues regarding shopping centers, focusing essentially on the relationship between the entrepreneurs and the consumers. This work is intended to provide a different approach, focusing on the relationship from the shopper-owner viewpoint, with an emphasis on small businesses. Based upon the hypothesis that even in the smallest commercial business, everyone should develop some technical criteria to assist in choosing their sites, the author tried to organize these methods, using a theoretical approach in order to support the site study process. Among the conclusions, it was verified that even when the owner cannot use the concepts to choose a site in a shopping center (e.g., because of a restricted budget), he/she has a clear idea about the quality and characteristics of the site locations.


store location. shopping malls small businesses varejo localização de lojas shopping centers retail pequenos negócios

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