Uma civilização sem alma? : educação e revolução passiva




This dissertation analyses the consolidation process of the bourgeois class, as well as the strategies utilized by the bourgeoisie to achieve its hegemony. The need for comprehension about the conflicts among the hegemonic projects undertaken at the beginning of last century, carried on then and updated at the beginning of this century, requires the mediation of some thoughts done by the Marxist thinker and militant Antonio Gramsci who, from our point, of view provides fundamental theories and concepts to its settlement. This theoretical reference will allow us to move forward to the comprehension of how the political process and educational process interconnect themselves in the formation of the worker s body and mind. It is, therefore, the study of the working class restructuring. This dissertation aims at analyzing the process that granted centrality to the bourgeois class in Brazil and the strategies employed to the industrial bourgeoisie. We did study the pedagogical political project of the partnership SENAI - SESI, starting from the educational modifications undertaken by IDORT and the New School Movement


capitalismo ensino profissional educação education workers professional educations trabalhadores hegemonia hegemony

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