Uma filosofia para a cidadania.




The present work considers a philosophy for the citizenship. The philosophy must be will interdisciplinary and integrate science, aesthetic and the ethic in the formation of the educators. In the first chapter, we will see the relation between the society, the education and the philosophy. We will detach some problems of modernity: the disequilibrium of the society and the education. The philosophy for being the "mother of the knowledge" join, balance and integrate the knowledge. In the second chapter, we will emphasize the philosophy of science in the formation of the educators. A interdisciplinary knowledge integrates cience, aesthetic and society. In the third chapter, we will approach the aesthetic one. An aesthetic education educates the taste and the feelings, balancing the individual with the society. In the fourth chapter, we will see the ethics as objective of the education. Science and the aesthetic one will be the base to reach the ethics. This education wishes to contribute with the development of the conscientious citizen. Thus, this proposal educative is a systemic philosophy that respects all the knowledge.


cidadania philosophy education interdisciplinaridade citizenship filosofia educação educacao interdisciplinary

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