Uma leitura da dialetica e a dialetica do texto : duas posições no debate da teoria literaria contemporanea




This dissertation enacts a critical agon. In the first chapter, Deconstruction reads The Political Unconscious, by Fredric Jameson, in order to show how its author develops a notion of textuality that bears a sharp contradiction with its Marxism. The great achievements of the book are credited to precise this blindness. The main argument points to a reified concept of reification, and the elaboration of an hermeneutic apparatus moved by a dream logic. In the second chapter the contrary happens: the post-structuralist notion of Text is first analyzed in The Pleasure of the Text, by Roland Barthes, as a late stage of penetration of the Enlightenrnent in the realm of language, which generates terror from the most updated rationality; then it is seen as representing a specific phase in late capitalismo In the third chapter both positions are weighed in face of that( literary text conceived as a locus of negativity. No conclusion is provided


teoria literaria literatura - estetica

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