Uma metodologia de proposição de aneis bidirecionais para o planejamento da rede de transporte em telecomunicações




The need of reliability on teleeommunieation networks and the faeility that SDH teehnology (Synehronous Digital Hierarehy) allows the employment of survivable topologies make the design of ring arehiteetures an important issue during network planning. AIso, in the medium and large transport network, the amount of rings that ean be proposed is very big, beeoming impraetieable the manual enumeration of all rings. In this thesis, a methodology for bidireetional ring planning is proposed. A graph exploitation teehnique ealled "Depth First Seareh" (DFS) is used to obtain the rings of a network. The DFS deseribes the eonstruetion of a seareh tree in whieh the path trom the root node up to a leaf node represents a path that has a eycle in the graph. As the number of rings may be huge, the algorithm uses some eycle metrie evaluations, so that bad quality rings are eliminated. The graph used for generation of rings is based on an optimized point-to-point network solution. Sueh methodology simplifies the planning proeess - the planner is helped by a ring design toeI - besides, it ean provide a good interaetion with the planner. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations



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