Uma modelagem para comercio eletronico usando CORBA e agentes moveis




The fast growth of the Internet and the network technology advance have contributed to develop the Electronic Commerce in the last years. The emergence of proprietary platforms to meet the growing requirements in this area and the lack of standards have originated several problems of interoperability, mainly in areas that deal with searching products in a network. This is the problem that we aim to address. We model an Application that implements a mobile agent to search products in a CORBA based Electronic Commerce environment. We also model the catalogue object that interacts with the mobile agent and presents its interface through an ORB. We adopt a three tiers model where the first tier is the mobile agent, the second one is represented by the catalogue interface and the third tier is implemented using a DBMS that manages the database that stores the catalogue data


programação orientada a objetos (computação) controle eletronico

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