Uma nova abordagem para a avaliação de políticas de gestão de resíduos perigosos: análise da eficácia dinâmica estendida




This dissertation proposes a new public policy evaluation criteria adequate to hazardous waste management: the Extended Dynamic Efficacy EDE- that combines efficacy, compliance behavior and maximum effort incentive to promote technological innovations, able to reduce economic and social costs. The adopted theorical framework focuses economic management concepts, based on principles and instruments of hazardous waste managements literature review. It was verified that hybrid public policy, that combines the Extended Product Responsibility (EPRp) and diverse management instruments (for example, of economic command and control and), integrated to the products life cycle, must be established in accordance with the development stage of the country and contribute to better EDE in hazardous waste management. The adequacy of the new criteria was analyzed evaluating international public policies (the American Call2Recycle and E-waste Dutch programs), and two Brazilian programs (Resolução257/99 and the Voluntary program established by SPVS NGO and a local cellular phone operator). It was verified that EPRp principle combined with voluntary instruments, as observed in the American program, does not get the effect desired in terms of EDE, exactly because of the voluntary character, in which adhesion is not obliged. In the E-waste Dutch program, the EPRp principle is articulated with economic and command and control instruments. The program was implemented step-by-step, which favors the attainment of positive results in EDE terms, exactly because of the obligator adhesion, possibility of penalties application and incentives to the involved actors. The evaluation of national experiences shows that the programs are not adequate to the countrys development stage. The adopted principles and instruments can be considered inadequate, resulting in negative evaluations for the EDE criteria.


políticas híbridas economia responsabilidade estendida ao produto hazardous waste management hybrid policies extended dynamic efficacy eficácia dinâmica estendida gestão de resíduos perigosos extended product responsibility

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