Uma onda mundial de revoltas : movimentos estudantis nos anos 1960




lhe student movements of 1960 s, 1968 in special, can be considered a "woddwide wave of revolts". Analy:.::ingin point of view of a broad and heterogeneous front of rebellions, the movements sho~" the "young component of their members with the principal common denominator of this worldwide wave. The worl~ Íde wave of revolts was, in the same time, an multiple movement possible for changes caused by globalization and a reaction against the way prevailing delineate for this "global civilization". It rebdled against the dominant ideology, a globali:.::ationeven in groundwork, certainly. lhe movements propose a miscellany of other values, skills, ideas and ideologies coming of the many fonts, times and spaces (agglutinated in the ideologies of the lhird-wodd, new lcfts and conttacultures). lhe movements won over victories in the field of the bchavior, chict1y, that capitalism and market s institutions absorved. Maybe "beaten", the worldwide wave inscribed severe impressions in the new civilization. It collaborated to a cleanliness of traditional values that, in the heart of the new civilization in groundwork, jammed the consumerist style of life, the logical of the instrumental reason and the controls of the technocracies. The wave looked for more what the dominant globalization proposed: quality, new ways of consciences and rationality, real experiences of the alternative, heterodoxies and liberty for the bchavior and creation versusquantity, pragmatism, simulacrums of the alternative, bipolari:.::ationideological of Cold War, free market and mass culture from great media. But, in the same time, this woddwide wave had in its heart sttong limits, dilemmas and contradictions that help to make its own dispersion - limits that were in the same time your richness: heterogeneity, idealism, resolute activism, juvenility and experimental relation vv~ththe reality


nova esquerda (ciencia politica) movimento da juventude movimentos estudantis globalização

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