Uma Representação de Weierstrass para Superfícies Mínimas em H3 e H2 × R.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Weierstrass representation of minimal surfaces in R3 and its generalization to Rn shows is a very useful tool in the study of minimal surfaces in these spaces. In this work we want to describe a type Weierstrass representation for immersions simply connected in the group of Heisenberg H3. Using applications harmonics is possible obtain a formula for general representation, type Weierstrass for minimal immersions in manifolds Riemannian simply connected general, is that, useful of point view theoretical, however it is very difficult find solutions explicit. The dimention 3 and the structure of group Lie of the group of Heisenberg H3 allow a description Geometric simple and we can get some classic examples.


espaços produto grupo de heisenberg grupos de lie variedades riemannianas superficies mínimas representação de weierstrass matematica weierstrass representation minimal surfaces riemannian manifolds lie group heisenberg group product spaces

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