Uma segunda mudança estrutural na esfera pública




Our research begins with the analysis of Jürgen Habermas book Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit [Public sphere], published in the sixties, and its repercussion forty years later, due to its translation into English and other languages, as well the growing interest about it, outside philosophy academic circles. We evaluate Habermas investigation over the changes that newspapers and magazines brought to burgeois public sphere. We also point out Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluges theories in the verge of the seventies which defend the proletarian public sphere action and its strategical articulation as a critical complement to the burgeois public sphere. We took into consideration the concepts reviewed by Habermas in Faktizität und Geltung [Facts and norms], and the setting of a new category of public sphere regardless of social class divisions. Along with the advance of the Information and Communication Technologies, mainly Internet, new changes in the public sphere came up and the written press started sharing field with the on-line journalism. These post-modern changes brought about new ways of social interaction as well as new public spaces, according to Zigmunt Baumans thesis which states the need of considering the consequences of these changings to society. We hope to contribute to this theoretical debate among close critical positions, which reinforce a defense of democracy in our times.


filosofia comunicação de massa - filosofia public sphere opinião pública information and communication technologies habermas, jürgen, 1929 - crítica e interpretação teoria da informação em ciências sociais esfera pública tecnologias de informação e comunicação

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