Unique and overlapping roles for ZipA and FtsA in septal ring assembly in Escherichia coli


Oxford University Press


ZipA and FtsA are essential division proteins in Escherichia coli that are recruited to the division site by interaction with FtsZ. Utilizing a newly isolated temperature-sensitive mutation in zipA we have more fully characterized the role of ZipA. We confirmed that ZipA is not required for Z ring formation; however, we found that ZipA, like FtsA, is required for recruitment of FtsK and therefore all downstream division proteins. In the absence of FtsA or ZipA Z rings formed; however, in the absence of both, new Z rings were unable to form and preformed Z rings were destabilized. Consistent with this, we found that an FtsZ mutant unable to interact with both ZipA and FtsA was unable to assemble into Z rings. These results demonstrate that ZipA and FtsA are both required for recruitment of additional division proteins to the Z ring, but either one is capable of supporting formation and stabilization of Z rings.

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