Urban operations in São Paulo: from the financial negotiation to the equitable sharing of costs and benefits / Operações urbanas em São Paulo: da negociação financeira ao compartilhamento equitativo de custos e benefícios




The present work deals with the evolution of the concepts of Urban Operations and Solo Criado (or Created Land) in the urban planning context of the Sao Paulo Municipality, in a perspective to improve these instruments. It was identified three phases: introduction of the ideas (1970 and 1980 decades), practice and experimentation (1980 and 1990 decades) and practice and revision (2000 decade). The research explores the genealogy of the concepts of Urban Operations and Created Land characterizing the conceptual matrixes that contributed to the origin of these instruments. When it goes ahead in the analysis of the experience of Urban Operations and Created Land in Sao Paulo city, it finds out that the results and the strategies of application of these instruments is far from the initial purposes which Urban Operations and Created Land were submitted. Along the analysis it is identified the construction of a model of Urban Operation. This model is characterized by the financial negotiation of the building additional potential which provided a consider amount of resources to the Municipality, that in its turn applied these resources in road works and in the same region where the incentives in the zoning law were granted. The study also encloses the analysis of the recent works developed by the Secretariat of Urban Planning of Sao Paulo Municipality related to the revision of this model of Urban Operation that still didnt happen in practice. At last, it makes use of the concepts and the instruments of equitable sharing of costs and benefits from the Colombian urban planning system, like a possible reference to support the improvement of Urban Operations in Sao Paulo in a trial to surpass the model adopted until now.


planejamento urbano urban projects instrumentos de planejamento planning instruments urban planning projetos urbanos operações urbanas urban operations

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