Urban peripheries in the city of São Paulo: territories of the base of the recycling industry in the urban peripheral / Periferias urbanas da metrópole de São Paulo: territórios da base da indústria da reciclagem no urbano periférico




The central question of this thesis is the transformation process of the recent urban peripheries in the city of São Paulo, concerning to the world of work (neoliberal policies after 70s). Based on this question, was held a search on the structuring of the recycling industry, while object fully involved in the issue originally called. The research was conducted from three premises. The first concerns the formation of the urban periphery, as well as its recent changes, with the plea determinations of the world of work. The second premise refers to integration forms of poor urban workers in the process of industrialization-urbanization. It is assumed that the city always held contingent of working poor not entered into formal activities. It is, in this research, to understand the terms by which, in the context of urbanization critical (Damiani), the recycling industry is built recruit thousands of cart-pullers on the condition of spare-workers. The third premise is referring to the strengthening of the Third Sector as a constituent part of the reforming State, whose foundation is in the context of neo-liberal policies, post 70s. Based on these reasons, the search was carried out according to the Levels and Dimensions of Urban (Henri Lefebvre, 1999) corresponding to the levels of reality. In turn, the emphasis is the Mixed Level, as a proper urban. We emphasize the productive (re) integration of spare-workers in the activities shown in the peripheral urban, developed concept within the scope of the thesis. In this context, the outskirts of urban areas are underpinned this industry, including as fronts for capital formation. They are characterized, in this sense, as areas of expropriation or, as territory of the shortage of wealth.


terceiro setor urban working poor matérias-primas the recycling industry periferias urbanas raw materials indústria da reciclagem urban peripheries catadores trabalhadores pobres urbanos cart-pullers third sector

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