Urbanização e qualidade de vida nos municípios da Amazônia Legal criados após 1988




For many years, the creation of new municipalities in Brazil was restricted, due to strict requirements, especially during the phase of military rule (1964-1984). Since the enactment of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, however, it became much easier to create new municipalities, the number of which has grown significantly, particularly in the Legal Amazonia region. The present thesis studies the quality of life of the people who live in all new municipalities located in this region. In order to make a comparative analysis of these municipalities, four indicators were selected, namely health, education, sanitation and income. Data taken from the 1980 and 2000 censuses led to the finding that quality of life improved in the vast majority of municipalities under examination. This finding brings up the consideration of quality of life as a factor in the creation of new municipalities. This factor must be taken into account in the discussion about the matter of the creation of new municipalities, in order for it to go beyond the traditional explanation that the surge of new muncipalities is explained solely by their enhanced access to funds transferred by the federal government.


criação de municípios cidades desenvolvimento sustentável urbanização qualidade de vida outros

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