Use of starter cultures (Staphylococcus xylosus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Staphylococcus carnous) and the influences in the final aroma profile of dry fermented products made with turkey meat. / Influencia dos microorganismos Staphilococcus xylosus, Lactobacillus plantarum e Staphylococcus carnosus no perfil aromatico de salames de peru.




In recent years a stable growth of poultry meat production including turkey meat has been observed in the world. The market demand for new poultry meat products dictate the opportunity of developing raw fermented products from turkey meat. Brazilian consumers have a great interest about dry fermented sausage products (salami) and considering the global healthy interest about diet, the present research was conducted with the objective of evaluate the microbial aroma formation during the complexes processes of ripening, curing and ageing involved in the dry fermented product production. The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of starter cultures ( Staphylococcus xylosus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Staphylococcus carnosus ) in the final aromatic bouquet of dry fermented turkey sausage, evaluating the correlaction between this starters and the aromatics components profiles formed during the processes. Turkey dry fermented sausages were prepared from formulations using differents levels of starter cultures and evaluating the composition during the stages of ripening and ageing. Volatiles were collected in the final stage by dynamic headspace extraction, subsequently identified and quantified by GC-MS. Principal component regression ( PCR ) analyses were conducted with the quantified volatiles and the others variables, containing relevant sample information. The results showed differents aromas profiles and the changes in the amino acids and free fatty acids profiles. Furthermore, there are differents kinds of preference for turkey salami, concerned with aroma formed by differents starter cultures. It seems unlikely that S. xylosus raises the lipase production and the acid odour is increased by presence of L. plantarum and S. xylosus. The present study showed that numbers of S. xylosus and L. plantarum are important parameters for the aroma development of fermented products made with turkey meat. The quantity of aldehydes and odour related with cheese and salami are higher when this starter cultures are used. Hexanal has the inverse result and are in higher amount with use of S. carnosus. This chemicals results are in accordance with the sensorial analyses.


carne aroma peru (ave) aroma meat peru (bird) embutidos inlaid

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