UsE - User Experience : uma metodologia de conhecimento das experiências dos usuários com base na etnografia




Recent works in HCI focus in capturing user experiences in real interaction situations lived with the technology. Ethnography is being used by professionals to know the user, observing the way he/she behaves (their experiences, emotions, difficulties and preferences) when using a product in the real world. Works in Software Engineering still need to be described to integrate such study objectifying the development of interactive systems more appropriate to users real interests. This work proposes a methodology, based in RUP, to guide HCI professionals to know users experiences before identifying their needs and modeling them in the functionalities of a system. The methodology is based in a user centered process (by the fact that the knowledge of real users experiences can contribute to the identification of more adequate and useful); in the creativity process (for proposing the use of visual prototypes and/or executables in a simulated environment, as a way of exploring new ideas) and in technology (for considering that technological solutions contribute to create opportunities closer to users everyday lives). This methodology was applied having as goal the identification of services for the digital TV, to be used by users from different countries. Objectifying to know users experiences in technology and to identify their expectations from these services, the following stages were done in the process: application of questionnaires, observation of the lived experience, realization of tests scenarios and realization of focus groups. The quantitative and qualitative data gathered in this research were consolidated and the results obtained were analyzed generating the needs and users profiles. KEY-WORDS: User Experience, Ethnography, Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, User Profiles.


software - dissertaÇÕes interface com o usuÁrio - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao

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